Reasons for poor car torque when operating the conditioner ,Cars

Reasons for poor car torque when operating the conditioner

Cars    Car Maintenance

Despite the multiple benefits of owning a car, It only takes some thought, effort, and time. Because it requires people with the ability to properly understand the nature of handling each type of vehicle; To avoid any sudden breakdowns and to protect them as well as possible, especially to identify the causes that lead to poor car torque and others.

The air conditioner in the car

All classes and brands of modern cars have air conditioning in them. As it has become one of the most important parts of the car that is difficult to dispense with, especially for the driver who drives the car for long travel distances, especially also in the summer and the very high temperature, and sometimes the operation of the car air conditioner may be accompanied by a malfunction in the work and movement of the car This could lead to the car stopping operating; This is due to several reasons.

The most important reasons for the poor performance of the car when opening the air conditioner

There are a large number of factors that may be the reason why a vehicle's low torque to get off when opening an air conditioner, such as:

- There is a weakness in the electricity of the car, which is one of the main causes of an imbalance in the performance of the car when the engine is running because the compressor for the air conditioner when it opens leads to an increase in the load on the car's engine; Hence the weak electricity connected to it, and this may also damage some other car parts.

-and sometimes; There is a shortage of piston oil, and freon gas leaks may also occur; Thus a problem occurs with the air conditioner compressor; This would negatively affect the vehicle's torque if the air conditioner is opened.

- Damage to one or more spark plugs may cause the necessary amount of electricity to not reach the car engine, and accordingly when operating the conditioner the amount of electricity in the engine will decrease further, and consequently; The load exceeds it, and from here the car stops working, and it must be taken into account that the life span of the buggy, in general, is not more than 20,000 kilometers.

- The reason may also be the incorrect installation of the belt of the machine; this of course leads to a noticeable impairment in the performance of the car, and then stops when the air conditioner is turned on.

The car can be weakened when the air conditioner is turned on if the fan of this air conditioner has damage or weakness because it leads to an increase in the car's motor temperature.

- This may also happen when there is a problem with one or more air valves in the motorhead, as this leads to a major malfunction in the vehicle's tense operation, and the percentage of this defect increases when the air conditioner is turned on.

And finally, If there is any defect, damage or weakness in any of the parts of the vehicle's refrigeration cycle, whether there is a problem with the water pump or radiator, the engine will overheat, and here this motor loses its ability to operate the air conditioner.
And therefore; Care should be taken to reduce the operation of the air conditioner as much as possible, especially when exposed to such cases, and in the case of the inability to dispense with the operation of the air conditioner in the car; Here it is better to have recourse for a car maintenance and repair specialist so that he can correctly identify and solve the problem.

