Data analysis for human resources ,Information Technology

Data analysis for human resources

Information Technology    Data Analysis

Used in particular in the marketing field to improve customer knowledge, data analysis includes several techniques that can be applied to different fields. Thus, in terms of human resources, the use of Data becomes a real challenge for human resources thanks to an overall vision of the company. This analysis of the data also makes it possible to better support employees and improve recruitment. For the most relevant data analysis, it is necessary to acquire the analytical tools and software most suited to your activity.

How to optimize human resources?

Relevant use of data

The potential of the data collected is particularly important for the marketing and sales departments of a company. However, the indicators obtained thanks to the analytical tools can also be used in different fields. Human resources teams can also take advantage of these elements to carry out a decision analysis based on these indicators in order to better understand the state of the company and its activity. This improved knowledge of the company is a real asset for human resources managers who can improve their strategic decisions. Indeed, the data available to HR departments allow them today to better manage the workforce and to achieve more effective talent recruitment.

Clear and precise information at all levels

The data available to companies is particularly numerous and of different natures. In order to make the most of their potential, they should therefore be treated effectively using the most suitable and efficient software and analytical techniques . The objective is to make the data understandable and clear so that everyone can use it and benefit from decision analysis. This type of analysis thus makes it possible to have information on the company and the activity of each member of the human resources team (example: rate of recruitment of the best elements). With the development of these decision analyzes, the HR sector is completely modified by the fact that the managers of this sector can better manage their teams and make the right decisions to improve their business .

What tools to analyze the data?

Analytical techniques

For optimal management of human resources, it is essential to use Big Data in the most relevant way possible. Among these masses of data, useful and relevant information can be highlighted.  In order to make the most of the potential of this data ,several analytical techniques can be used:
    •    Data mining : extraction of relevant information from masses of data
    •    Text mining : semantic analysis to examine text content
    •    Data visualisation : formatting of the data collected to make it accessible and usable
These different techniques of data analysis and interpretation will allow companies and their HR departments to have available new relevant information in order to improve their activity.

The importance of accurate analysis

The objective of data analysis tools is not to replace the people in charge of HR management, but to support and help them in their decision-making. To make the most of these tools, it is necessary to understand their use and the benefits they bring. Faced with the masses of data available to businesses, it is necessary to make a relevant sort to know what information is most interesting for your activity. For this, it is therefore necessary to look at how to collect the data as well as their nature.

Powerful predictive analysis tools

At different levels, analytical techniques make it possible to obtain relevant and useful information for optimizing one's activity. In fact, thanks to predictive analyzes, human resources managers benefit from information on: employees, promotions, talent management, business activity… Thanks to this information, it is possible to assess the training and production efficiency of employees and thus predict the right business strategy to adopt.

Big Data and HR: what are the benefits?

Improved recruitment

In order to improve recruitment, data analysis will play a particularly important role. Indeed, the available data will allow us to anticipate recruitment needs according to the planned activity and the business strategy. On average, the use of Big Data for human resources helps reduce recruitment errors by around 20%.
To improve recruitment and identify the best candidates, the data on social networks (Linkedin, Viadeo, Doyoubuzz, etc.) can be decisive information in choosing companies. By improving the targeting of potential candidates , human resources optimize their recruitment and thus save time on the analysis of applications. Recruitment is therefore done more quickly while guaranteeing the skills and qualities of successful candidates. By combining Big Data and HR , you will be able to considerably reduce turnover and recruit employees that perfectly meet the needs of your business.

Anticipation of needs

In connection with the marketing department and their analyzes of market trends, the HR departments can identify future needs and thus adapt recruitments accordingly. The data can also relate to the average duration of recruitment, thus allowing the company to anticipate the search for candidates for the position. Big Data allows companies to calculate more precisely the number of candidates to see and the recruitment time . By combining HR and Big Data, you can therefore subscribe to a proactive strategy by recruiting enough employees to meet customer needs.

Improvement of the internal organization

Regarding team management, Big Data also plays an important role. Indeed, the various data available to HR managers allow them to measure the effects of management strategies . Depending on the data on employees and their productivity, this allows to deduce the best strategy to implement. The analysis of company data also makes it possible to best adapt the timetable according to the best periods of employee productivity. Analysis of the data thus makes it possible to significantly improve the management of the company and the internal organization of the activity .


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