Artificial intelligence at the service of customer relations ,Information Technology

Artificial intelligence at the service of customer relations

Information Technology    Data Science

A veritable industrial and global revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize many sectors. French companies are not to be outdone, since the integration of new technologies using artificial intelligence is growing there, regardless of the sector. Thus, 33% of French companies declare that they devote a budget of more than € 1 million per year to technologies with AI, and 71% of them are preparing to invest more in this subject in the coming years.

AI, at the crossroads of big data, machine learning and cloud computing

Artificial intelligence remains a concept for many, however, whose definitions vary widely depending on the sector. AI, the fruit of the crossing of the three major digital trends of big data, cloud computing and machine learning , can be defined as an innovative technological foundation, allowing humans to perceive vast sources of information from various sources, to analyze this information from a knowledge base or personal assistance, to understand this information and finally to make the right decisions depending on the context.
AI is particularly helpful when it is used for customer relations . HR management (CV analysis, selection of candidates based on the profile sought, etc.), including law and accounting (automation of accounting acts, automatic contract proofreading, etc.), the contributions of artificial intelligence in the entrepreneurial field are numerous. Among them, the improvement and modernization of the customer relationship , made possible in recent years by artificial intelligence.

Chatbots: applications with growing AI

These include chatbots, flagships of applications with AI in terms of customer experience. These privileged solutions for companies allow, among other things, to evolve towards an increasingly personalized customer relationship . Industry experts estimate that within 5 years, almost 80% of mobile applications will be replaced by this type of instant messaging. This could generate nearly $ 8 billion in savings per year for customer services. This means that artificial intelligence is revolutionizing this sector.
Companies relying on customer relationship management solutions with artificial intelligence derive many benefits:
    •    They considerably improve the accessibility of information to their customers by using the chatbot as an improved search engine.
    •    They advise their customers at best by supporting them in their act of purchase or what they are asked for, thanks to personalized advice.
    •    They are more easily able to conclude a sale or other acceptance of service with these customers thanks to numerous tools which, once the decision has been made, can plan, reserve and order from a simple conversation.
    •    Finally, these companies are able to really assist their customers and thus retain their loyalty, by improving the entire consumer journey.

Text Mining

These chatbots, in full swing and increasingly used by consumers, can however take very different forms according to their functionalities and their level of technicality. On the technical side, these chatbots are based on an AI technology called “Text Mining”. This technology can indeed go from a simple analysis of keywords of a request to a real management of intention (comprehension of language) or even to the self-learning exploration of contents (capacity of analysis of requests in automatically updated) by being coupled to Machine Learning. Thus, if chatbots are really interesting levers for companies wishing to improve customer relations, the gains generated by this type of technology with AI are strongly linked to their level of technological performance.

AI and emotional management

As artificial intelligence is constantly growing and the uses that are made of it are constantly evolving, an application that also integrates AI at the heart of its process and even more successful than chatbots is emerging: emotional management.
In a context of improving the customer experience , being able to manage customer feedback quickly and intelligently is now essential in the success of a business. Many companies are paying close attention to this subject by using AI to analyze emotions that appear in their customer feedback. This can for example take the following forms: analyze the faces of an audience in order to measure their interest in a particular subject, analyze the keywords of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of a client in their feedback , in order to minimize the level of dissatisfaction by providing them with prioritized responses, etc.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions

Chatbots, because of the many uses they have, are thus brought to revolutionize the way in which companies manage customer relations, towards ever more personalization and above all reactivity . These chatbots aren't the only AI apps to modernize the customer experience, however . Thanks to the alliance of artificial intelligence with other innovative technologies, new opportunities are emerging. Among these, let us quote the solutions of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), booming technologies, which aim to execute pre-programmed actions based on well defined business rules. RPA solutions allow the automation of many tasks with low added value hitherto undertaken by employees (HR management, automatic data extraction, administrative processes, etc.) while being able to handle high volumes of requests.
These Robotic Process Automation solutions , when coupled with AI, will undoubtedly in the future be able to process a wide range of content while adapting to a very specific context or problem, by activating the right process . They will thus be able to allow companies integrating them to automate and optimize many processes of the customer relationship such as the management of returns (analysis of emails, handwritten letters, voice messages, photographs, etc.).

Due to its omnipresence in technological projects hitherto developed, artificial intelligence continues to demonstrate its contribution in multiple sectors of the company, in particular customer relationship management, and beyond since AI is already fully integrated into our daily lives!


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