The Benefits And Harms Of Arabic Gum ,Natural Medicine

The Benefits And Harms Of Arabic Gum

Natural Medicine    Herbalists

What is Arabic gum? 

Gum arabic, also known as acacia gum or acacia powder, is a fibrous product made from the hardened natural sap of two types of wild acacia. Around the world, gum arabic has many names, including acacia gum, gum arabic, acacia powder, Senegalese gum, Indian gum, and others.

Gum arabic is an edible vegetable secretion extracted from acacia trees, and it can flow naturally or as a result of a split in the tree branches, not only the product itself is 100% natural and vegetarian, but also the harvest methods are 100% natural, unlike what happens with most products used in the food industry, gum arabic is only harvested in wild trees that grow without pesticides, most of which are located south of the coast in Africa, three thousand years ago, the Egyptians actually ate gum arabic and also used it to make sure that mummies' dressings stick quickly, nowadays they have It has a wide variety of medical applications and it is used in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries, as well as in technical applications.

How do I use gum arabic?

Due to the high level of soluble fiber in it, when you add gum arabic to the water, it will create a gelatinous viscosity that has a moderate taste, unlike some other ingredients rich in fiber, it will not create a gritty texture making it preferred as an additional ingredient in a number of diets. There are several different ways in which you can add acacia fiber to your diet, one of the simplest applications is to add gum arabic in powder form to water, and the soluble fibers will mix evenly in the water and because of their light taste they tend to go down easily, and you can even add gum arabic to juices or Breakfast dishes or soups. You can also find supplements containing gum arabic that are readily available at many pharmacies, as a supplement in capsule or powder form. 

Types of gum arabic 

   Hashab gum
   Aphids gum
   Frankincense gum
   Gum Talha 

Benefits of gum arabic for the body

Support gut health because it contains probiotics 

In an in vitro study, the researchers aimed to determine the role that gum arabic plays in the large intestine and to explore that it aids fermentation and the production of prebiotics. The researchers found that under the established laboratory conditions, gum arabic was able to improve microbial formation in the large intestine. In addition, they found that gum arabic is widely fermented in the large intestine, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), SCFA provides a host of health benefits not only locally in your gut, but also for heart health as well as metabolism. 

Improvement of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is an intestinal disorder characterized by periods of constipation or diarrhea or both. Symptoms associated with IBS are broad and include gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. Irritable bowel syndrome is often referred to as an umbrella term for people who experience gastrointestinal discomfort. The cause is unknown. There are likely many different ways that IBS symptoms can be triggered. In one study, a total of 130 IBS patients were randomly assigned to either a control group or an active group, the two groups consumed yogurt with the active group that ate yogurt containing gum arabic reactions, and the researchers wanted to determine whether adding gum arabic and Brucella lactis would affect On IBS symptoms, patients before and after the trial began were evaluated with a questionnaire to determine any changes that occurred. After eight weeks, the group that consumed gum arabic reported a significant improvement in IBS symptoms, the two predominant groups reported increased satisfaction in bowel movements and supported acacia-rich yogurt as a treatment for IBS. 

Supporting weight loss

Getting enough fiber in your diet can help you feel full longer and improve digestive health and when it comes to losing weight, both aspects are very important. In one randomized, double-blind study, researchers gave a group of women either gum arabic or pectin for six weeks and proved that it helped significantly lose weight, although many animal studies have supported the possibility of weight loss in the acacia plant, but researchers wanted to explore the benefits in a human experience. 

Improve kidney health

One of the complications of diabetes is what is called diabetic nephropathy where poor blood sugar control can ultimately damage the blood vessels in the kidneys. These blood vessels are essential components of the detoxification system and help your body eliminate waste products from the blood. Over time, It can lead to complications like kidney damage and high blood pressure, and researchers are always looking at ways to treat conditions like diabetic nephropathy naturally. In the countries of the Middle East, gum arabic has been used for centuries to treat kidney diseases, this is not primarily because of its fiber content, but rather due to the mineral content of acacia as a natural source of minerals, gum arabic is rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium and all the nutrients essential for health. Kidneys and their function. In one study, researchers gave a group of diabetic mice 10% of gum arabic in their drinking water and measured its effect on kidney health, and previous studies showed that the gum was able to increase creatinine clearance from the kidneys in healthy mice. However, this study showed that gum arabic can also reduce blood pressure, increase calcium clearance, and reduce plasma phosphate and urea concentrations. In addition, mice suffered from increased urine flow and decreased proteinuria, all factors that prove the benefit of gum arabic in Diabetic nephropathy, which is one of the benefits of gum arabic for diabetics. 

Benefits of gum arabic for sex

Some specific studies discovered that gum arabic helps stimulate blood circulation, which helps improve the sexual process without damages such as chemicals. 

Benefits of gum arabic for postpartum

After birth, there is always an increase in weight, and gum arabic helps, as we mentioned before, in reducing weight due to its high fiber content, in addition to that it can be placed on the birth wound to facilitate the healing process. 

Reduces Body Fat

 Acacia gum has the potential to keep your weight in a healthy range while also helping reducing your overall body fat. In a study of 120 women, 60 women took 30 grams per day of acacia gum for six weeks, while the remaining 60 took placebo containing only 1 gram of pectin. The results showed that women who took acacia gum reduced their body mass index. Your body fat percentage has also been reduced by more than 2 percent. 

Relieves cough and sore throat

Because it is known considered to relieve irritation and inflammation reduction, acacia gums can also help control allergic cough as natural medicine. The excellent properties of acacia gum make it possible to use it in physiology solutions amounts to cover the throat and protect mucus safe in the throat from irritation levels. The use of acacia for coughing can prevent the throat from hurting, as well as relieve or prevent symptoms, including loss of voice.

Good source of fiber

Acacia gum contains water-soluble dietary fiber (FSDF) that is not only a good fiber for your diet, but are also useful for keeping cholesterol under control. One reviewed study showed that taking 15 grams of acacia gum in liquid form each day helped control plasma cholesterol concentration in the blood. Although published in 1992, this is the most applied comprehensive study on the effects of acacia gum on blood to date. WSDF can also help you maintain a healthy weight and is good for overall cardiovascular health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even made regulatory amendments to recognize the beneficial use of acacia as a good source of fiber in many popular foods, including cereals, juices, and yogurt.

Harmful effects of gum arabic

While gum arabic has many health benefits that it offers, there are some potential risks that accompany this source of dietary fiber dose. Depending on the controlled health of the digestive system, excessive intake of gum arabic substances may cause indigestion symptoms such as nausea, mild diarrhea, gas and bloating, however these symptoms usually subside with use. Aside from digestive discomfort, gum arabic is generally known by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and should not cause any major side effects.


