Tire Pressure Table ,Cars

Tire Pressure Table

Cars    Car Maintenance

The importance of checking the tire

It is very important to track the air pressure in the car's tires. Tires are the main responsibility for maintaining the balance of the car. In the event of a car imbalance, or if one of the tires has pressure inside it is little, we may become very vulnerable, as excess or little pressure may cause the tire to explode and may result This is a strong and severe accident, and this is why tracking the integrity of the tires is very important. Imagine that you have installed your car and you did not check your tires and there was a nail in one of the tires or one of the tires contained a small percentage of air, but you did not notice and started driving quickly?

The tire may explode and the car turns suddenly, and in this case, you have become at great risk to this and one of the basics that are focused on in driving lessons is examining the tire before getting into the car, perhaps there is a large majority of people that are not interested in this thing and But in reality, it is very, very important and without exaggeration

History of the manufacture of tires and their use on cars
 Wheel history

 To fully appreciate the history of the tires, you must first take a look at the development of the wheel itself the greatest invention throughout history, as it is considered one of the most important inventions throughout history and the main reason for the progress of development. The wheel was registered for the first time in the year 3500 BC in the Neolithic period just before the Bronze Age starting From agriculture, wheels were quickly used in everything from vehicles to toys and are a symbol of human technological progress as most inventions rely on turntables or wheels, especially industrial ones. [1]
 Rubber frame
 In 1844, Charles Goodyear invented or manufactured vulcanized rubber, which was later used in the manufacture of tires. In 1888, John Dunlop invented tires filled with air, and yet they were designed for bicycles only. In 1895 AD, Andre Michelin mute the first person He tries to use the pneumatic tires for cars, but he did not succeed, and in 1911 AD Philip Strauss invented or a successful tire, which was a composite frame and an inner tube filled with air. Strauss Company Hardman Tires and Rubber marketed the tires and from here the tires continued to develop over History until it reached the form we see today

Tire pressure table 

 Every driver needs to know what is the tire pressure schedule:
 In modern cars, in particular, you find the schedule of air pressure sticker on the car door from the driver's side and it contains the necessary instructions to know the correct air pressure for your car tires or the recommended pressure and it is very important to adhere to the instructions or tips of the poster in your car to adhere to the correct pressure of your car tires because Excess pressure or a little pressure may cause imbalance while driving or imbalance the car because the tires are the important factor in maintaining the balance of the car on the ground without any problems
 If you do not find the sticker on the car door, you will find an explanation about it in the owner's manual in most cars, the recommended pressure is: 32 psi to 35 psi in tires and you should make sure of that, as it may differ in some cars, the pressure is checked Air in the tire when it is cold because the heat caused by tire friction in the ground continuously makes the air pressure unstable pressure. It is best to check the air pressure in the tires of your car after several hours of stopping it, and if you wait a whole night it will be better, which means you should check it before turning it on or walking. With it from time to time
 Do not compress the air as it is listed on the frame, the number listed on it is the maximum degree and not the number that is recommended, and in case you do this you will feel uncomfortable while driving and the car will appear to you that it is jumping a lot. This is if you compress the air according to the degree written on the frame The car and you may be exposed to harm because of it. Be careful, and if you compress the air less than necessary, it will also cause you problems such as tire wear and discomfort while driving. In this case, it will affect the maintenance schedule for your car. In the owner’s manual
 The importance of checking tire pressure
 As crimes above, the commitment to track the air pressure in the tire or even track the integrity of the tires is important and many people forget the importance of this thing, but the interest in tracking the air pressure schedule is very important, so when you track the pressure schedule you keep prolonging the life of the tire and keep your safety And the safety of many people, and at the same time, you will find great comfort while driving, which makes your driving stable, sound and free of problems, and certainly in some cases driving the car properly does not depend only on the tires, but on the driver himself, and for this and as a professional driver you To be highly knowledgeable, especially in safety rules that would maintain your safety and the safety of those around you and would also provide fuel for the car as smooth driving means saving fuel, even if only a little

The importance of repairing car defects early

 A lot of people may neglect to fix defects in her car, but in fact, the fact that repairing these defects early is very important because when you neglect these defects to a later time, the defect that does not fix them early leads to more damage over time as is the case of a person when he says "dirham Protection is better than a pound of cure. ”Of course, we may all say that this damage is unimportant, but if it was unimportant, it would not have been found in the car like this piece even. That is especially if you asked for a reasonable, appropriate, and non-losing amount, but if you do not pay attention to these faults and decide to sell them, then you will face a lot of problems and you may sell them for a small and losing amount.
 If you hear a strange sound coming from your car, make a scan


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